Wednesday 31 August 2016



Please ensure that your child has a hat, drink bottle and packed recess and lunch for Carnival day on Friday.

Students will NOT be eating recess with families as there will not be an allocated break time. Parents are NOT to take their child from the faction bay to feed or give fluids. To ensure the safety of all students, parents are also NOT PERMITTED to enter the faction bays at any time.

Students will be able to eat lunch with their families but MUST return back to their faction bays after the siren.

Pre Primary students in Room 9 will be distributed across the other 4 Pre Primary classes for the day.
These teachers will bring them out to the carnival in the morning and again in the afternoon for final presentations.

Room 1 Mrs Coleman
  • Jensen
  • Gorika
Room 5 Miss Baines
  • Shayan
  • Amelia
  • Kayla
Room 3 Miss Mitchell
  • Joshua
  • Anna
Room 6 Miss Carrigg
  • Dani
  • Joella
  • Bella
Please bring your child to class and I will mark attendance before distributing students to their class.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Term 3 Learning

Wow! Time just seems to be flying by and we are already more than half way through the term.

This Term so far we have been focusing on some tricky concepts, however, we never let any challenge stop us in Room 9!


In Literacy we have been focusing on;
  1. Phonics (recognition of sounds in words) -  Bossy 'e' (a_e, i_e, o_e, u_e) like cake, kite, mute, slope, Vowel Digraphs (ai,ay,aw) like rain, play, crawl
  2. Spelling - Controlled R (ar,er,ir,or,ur)
  3. Reading and comprehension
  4. Writing- Narratives
  5. Handwriting - letter formation


In Numeracy we have done a lot of consolidation work on place value (tens and ones) and addition and subtraction of large numbers.

We are now working on;
  1. Calendar and Time (looking for dates/navigating a calendar and times to the hour and half past)
  2. Mass (measuring and comparing objects weights)

We are so proud of the students and would like to praise each and every one for their continued hard work and effort. It is amazing to see how positive and enthusiastic they are for learning and I hope they cherish this value of learning as they grow.

We would also like to thank you as parents for your continued support. Without you we would not achieve as much as we do.


Learning Journeys are scheduled for Tuesday of week 10. We are already hard at work preparing for this and students are excited to invite parents and family members into class to share their learning journey so far this year. I hope to see all parents on this night as it is a fantastic experience for yourself and your child.

Wednesday 17 August 2016


A huge congratulations to all the students for their efforts during the Lapathon.

 In total Room 9 completed 746 laps! The average number of laps per student was around 30.

All fundraising needs to be completed and returned to Admin... any child who raises over $10 is eligible for a prize.

A massive thanks to Seetha, Winnie and Roshni for their help with the organised chaos of stamping and recording students laps...You deserve a pat on the back!

Thanks to all parents for organising faction t-shirts for students on the Friday. They all looked fantastic!

Saturday 6 August 2016


This week we celebrated NAIDOC week. We went to the BER Room on Wednesday to listen and learn about the traditional Aboriginal (Nyoongar) way of life from Mr. Thom 

He spoke to us about the relationships between the Indigenous people and also between the animals in the Australian bush. 

It was a great experience and we learnt a lot. 

Learning all about different animals

Gorika modelling traditional clothing (kangaroo fur) 

Joella and Kiara with a bowl made carved from a tree and a bag made from kangaroo fur

We learnt about weapons used for hunting

We experienced the traditional Aboriginal way of respecting the animals they catch and eat