Tuesday 6 November 2018

Welcome to Term 4!

Term 4 is already half way through! Students are well underway to completing Pre Primary and head off to Year 1. Please ensure that even though school is coming to an end, we still have several weeks and attendance is still important to maintain.

Dancing lessons are going well and students are enjoying learning all the dances and getting ready for our end of year dance party.

Swimming for Room 9 will commence in weeks 7 and 8. Students will need bathers, goggles, towels etc. every day. Please ensure that all items are clearly labelled to ensure minimal losses as students will be changing themselves.  Parents are more than welcome to meet us at the pools and watch your child swim. Parents however, will not have duty of care and cannot take children from the pool at any time.


This term we have continued to work on our reading using the FITZROY Readers and our comprehension using the Keylinks texts. Thankyou to those parents who take the time out to read these with your books. It is evidence in your child's progress that they are practising at home.

In our writing we have been focusing on a narrative text structure. Students are busy writing their very own narratives to share. Punctuation use is still a main teaching point and focus in class for most students.

This term we have finished our blend sounds and have introduced digraphs. Digraphs are "2 letters that make one sound". These include sh,ch,th, and wh. We have looked at different words with these sounds. WE are not expecting students to spell these words but just recognise the digraph and hear the sound in spoken words.

Students have now begun spelling 4 letter words using the blends taught this year. These words are ones that are simple to sound out and write. clip, slam, frog, crab etc.



We have had a big focus on partitioning, addition and subtraction within 10 this term. Students have been using their skills to solve simple word problems and determining which is the appropriate action when completing word problems.


Continuing on with our Arts Programme, Students were given the task of creating an old magical tree. First we went for a walk around the playground inspecting the trees, taking photos with the IPads. Students then designed their trees using different shapes and lines. After that we painted and collaged our tree using a combination of natural and man made materials.


In Science we have been looking at how things move. We have observed ourselves, our friends, animals and toys. We are investigating the different way in which things can move and sorting them into categories.

In Technology, we have been given the task to design and build our own marble run construction. Students will use their knowledge from investigations in science to complete the task. We are looking forward to making and testing our designs.

Testing our marble ramps
Investigating cars and trucks
making ramps for our toys
Building our marble ramps
Building and investigating Beyblades
Investigating Beyblades